Friday, August 10, 2007

The 80's Are Speaking To Me...Week 2b.

OK, y'all are too good. Too fast for me.

I'm digging deeper here...I need to find something that takes a few guesses...

Name this tune and the band:

"With cake in vulgar surplus
We can have it and eat it too..."

Bonus points...what's the line or 2 before it?


Mutha Mae said...

There was one repressed do-gooder
And a few who still believed
Yes I think there were five good men here yesterday
But they were asked to leave
So we've kept the good old vices
And laboured to invent a few
With cake in vulgar surplus
We can have it and eat it, too

ISO(In)sanity said... are a mistress of the 80's...I tip my shoulder pads and overpermed hair to you!

Do you actually have the album?? (Yeah, I didn't date myself with the word "Album" :) )

For those who don't know:
Toy Matinee

Lisa said...

Dave never heard of this one before ....(if you can believe that)

Mutha Mae said...

HAH! Well I was a radio DJ in the late 80s, early 90s. I know my music from that era!

ISO(In)sanity said...

Oh man, that's not fair Mutha!!