Something possessed us, P and I. An actual unplanned Saturday, undetected radon fumes spewing forth from the basement maybe?, or we each slipped each other ruffies and therefore don't remember it...
We went to the big baby store in the much bigger suburb and worked on THE REGISTRY. The theory was, we'd get it out of the way, close enough to be relevant, and before things got crazy around here next month, and then, after crazy month, hopefully referral.
So off we went, mid afternoon, and arrived there. We got in and got a scanner relatively quick, and started beeping away. Happy but apparently we didn't have that crazed parents-to-be look, and I didn't have the body for it, so we got looks of course. (Maaaaan, I never have "the body" for anything!)
Some super duper fun things happened:
1. We were in the toy section, and there was a dad there with his two little ones. The smaller one was about 4. He was on a plastic riding toy of some sort (and it was PINK), and having a ball, and behaving. We stepped over him a few times, then the dad started talking to him:
"Hey xxxx, that's a girls bike."
"I like it Daddy, this is fun. It goes in really small circles Daddy."
"I like it Daddy, this is fun. It goes in really small circles Daddy."
"xxxx, it's pink. Guess what, that's a dead give-away. It's a girls bike."
Dude? Is your kid happy? Is he being respectful? Is he being sweet to you? What's the deal? Did you lose 2 inches cause your son, your progeny, was on a piece of pink plastic from China instead of a blue or red piece of plastic from China? What does it matter? It was so nice to see a child being nice and happy and playing, and NOT screaming and begging and being snotty to his parents until he got what he wanted. But you're totally teaching him to be a snot, and a sexist at that.
2. I can't say anything but post a picture:

Yes, this is a binky with cheesy, crappy "crystals" on it. And not only that, they come with things like CROWNS on them. Yeah, that's not going to create a child that has a major sense of entitlement, now is it? Or is it the parent that would buy this cheap looking piece of crap that is going to create a child with a huge sense of entitlement? Either way, if I ever ever see a child with this, I am so going to cross the street, even if it's a 6 lane highway at rush hour, to get away from this Drama Queen in training (cause, it's pink dude, so no boy would be allowed to use it!)
What the heck?
And yeah, people, I don't have a basketball in my shirt, and I'm not "glowing", but I'm going to be a Mom, so bite me that I have one of the precious, "in the club" scanners to put stuff on my registry. Do you really want to do hand to hand combat to get it away from me? Cause I've been waiting for my kid for over 2 years, so I think I've got what it takes to keep it in my grasp.
Sorry I don't fit your mold.
Oh man.... you are brave (or drugged like you said) to go to a baby super store on a Saturday. I gotcha back if they try and "wrassle" that scanner from you. Good Luck with the upcoming arrival of your referral!
Similar thing happened to my friend who registered for her adoption. The lady behind the counter actually asked, "When are you due?" My friend said, "Never." And she left it at that! Loved her for that.
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