OK, trying to distract myself from the Deafening Silence of Nothingness coming from a large country in Asia...
Did y'all see Rules of Engagement last night? Maybe they wrote this episode without the writers that are on strike...it was abysmal...the cliches! Oh my God the cliches...make it stop!!!!
1. The manly-man in the show, Jeff, of course wants a son.
2. Jeff gets all "it's not my swimmers" that caused us to not get pregnant.
3. It turns out to be Jeff's swimmers.
4. Jeff thinks when he's told to drink more water that Scotch would work, as it has water in it.
5. Jeff and wife Audrey are happy and fine, until one person asks why they haven't had kids yet...they tried for 6 months (oh, the committment), it didn't work, so they "sunk themselves into work." Or some other lame-ass excuse like that. And it takes one person asking once and they decide to change the course of their lives? They cave to the ideals of society that quickly?
6. And they go get all the tests done and completed and answers to infertility in like one 1 hour appointment. What about real life, docs not even listening till at least a year, sometimes more...and months and months of tests - heck, just waiting to get a dye test takes, what 3 weeks??
7. The young, soon to be married couple, gets in a spat about the future and when they have kids...he, raised by a hippy-ish mom who never married Dad, assumes that she will stay home with the kids. And she's not content with that idea.
Oh the cliches, the cliches...the evil, stereo-type inducing cliches.
Calgon, take me away!
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