Really?! Seriously?! Y'all are praying down in FL on the capitol steps (hello, seperation of church and benefits you too, you know - you haven't been forced to go to temple or another faith either, you know?!)...two questions for you, on this eve of Voting Day Eve...
1. Do y'all really think that a God, whatever form he takes, really gives a rats ass about the election being held in this country, one of many countries, one that probably has been given so much already and likes to piss so much away? Don't you think he'd rather be helping people who haven't had rain for a year? Or at least people who's country has been fu***ed up by an invading force?
2. Don't y'all think if he really didn't want abortion to happen, he'd make it so our simple human minds couldn't figure out how to do it?
3. How many of y'all have done something that REALLY SERIOUSLY makes a change that can help with this "problem"?? How many of you who think this is the worst thing in the world have decided to, and offered to a mother, terrified of the situtation she's in, to PARENT that child she's carrying? Not a large percentage, is my the crazy church down the street, whenever your peeps parade with nasty banners and pictures, I sure as hell don't see many parents with babies that don't look like them. Granted, people can do DA within same race, but there's a large Latino population town not two towns over, so you'd think you'd see one or two Hispanic babies if all these people adopted these babies that shouldn't be aborted. How many of you have worked to change the societal reasons that cause people to not be able to keep their children?! Lack of decent wage, lack of jobs, increased SEX EDUCATION, lack of general education, lack of outreach assistance to people who need it, outreach to kids born to parents in desperate situations - to break the cycle, etc etc etc...
That's what I thought.
Edited to add, reminded by Nyt's quote...I've long protested to Real-Life friends who are willing to listen to me: You will not overturn Roe v. Wade. Period. You can make it obsolete by changing other things to make abortion an option that isn't used very much. I don't see it as the end all be all sin, but I personally imagine the pain that the mother and family goes thru. Change the rules to make DA more airtight for the AP's...which will make more people claim that the birthparents aren't protected. But it is one big ass catch-22, but the state has to decide what they want the goal to be, and work towards it, a piece at a time...cause right now, the system sucks. But that doesn't dissuade me from pointing out most of these protesters have never thought of opening a home to a child to "save" it from abortion.
Make change in your home towns folks, before you bother a higher entity and make him do your hard gotta make the little changes to change the big picture.
Please, if you agree with me. Vote. If you disagree with me. Vote. Don't vote on this one issue though. Make this country's representation a representation of what every one of us thinks.
Thank you, Miss K!!! You've said it well. Sanctimonious fools need to get the heck off their knees and do something that actually makes a difference.
Our absentee ballots were mailed Friday.
H is one cuuuute bee!!
You should have been with me when I sat through a waiting room lecture on why one of our candidates has been anointed by God (quoting chapter and verse) I've called him the Chocolate Jesus ever since. There are certain segments of society whose politics and religion are hopelessly entwined. What I've observed? They are mostly poor and chocolate covered themselves....
As for the protesters? If you don't have a uterus or an adopted child, you have no right protesting. DA will never become the first choice so long as the courts favor biology over the best interest of the child. And the DA roles will never be filled with eligible children until the very programs supporting them are slashed to the bone....Catch 22?!?
I agree that DA is busted in this country.
I don't agree that it's only poor blacks using the religion card, as you implied. I've seen a buttload of white Evangelicals using God to put McCain in the white house because they want someone who will overturn abortion (even though he speaks with forked tongue, as he wasn't anti-abortion until he wanted the nomination.) I don't think you can catagorize it by race, or political party. No matter who does it, I think it is wrong.
I haven't "implied" anything. It's my observation. Maybe it's the areas I've traveled in and around, I don't know. I have yet to meet anyone blowing the McCain horn over the abortion issue. I've met plenty of folks who blow the Obama horn within the symphony of religion. Perhaps the fact that they have been people of color is a coincidence. The bottom line here is that it doesn't matter who blows what horn in what orchestra. We will never separate religion from politics. Perhaps Marx actually said it best..."Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people" Those who feel oppressed, those who feel disconnected often find their comfort in religion and often blame the government for their disconnection and oppression. Perhaps it would have been better if I had just made the observation that these folks are poor...or would that be "classism"?
The abortion issue is a thorny one in any discussion and at some level you, and most people will never be able to understand it. And no, you'll never be able to "imagine" anyone's pain.. you can be plenty sympathetic, but you'll never understand. You see my dear, you've been part of the solution, not part of the problem. Fortunate or unfortunate, there's a side of the issue that you've never dealt with personally...
...I have....
First off, thank you for sharing something so private. You are right, I should have used a slightly different word than "imagine", but I would hope that you would understand the intent of what I was saying. I also don't think you were part of any "problem", as I don't see this topic as a "problem" for so many people to get so worked up about.
Secondly, thanks for sparing with me.
For my light-hearted comment: You probably haven't met anyone beating the McCain drum because you live in a very Dem area! :) I assume you aren't planning on attending the potential party tomorrow night?!
I find it interesting to no and I see things so much from opposite sides, and come to different conclusions, but along the way in the brain-workings, we see so many of the pieces eye to eye.
I should have done what you did...I am so not looking forward to squeezing H in a booth tomorrow!
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