Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Do I Have Any Constitutional Authority?

OK....Barack? To that corner...John? To that other corner. Stop. Just stop. My ears are bleeding at this point.

I declare this campaign season over. Three more weeks my ass. We know where the honorable senator from Illinois stands. We know where the honorable senator from Arizona stands. We get it. We know it all. We know what you believe in. We know your personalities. We know how well you can lie or fudge too (which, I posit, is an important skill for any politician.)

The election will be held tomorrow, and we'll be done with it.

I know it's time when I, political science major in college and general history/politics nut goes out for dinner with bff and doesn't remember about this debate, and come home to find mildly interested husband (think med-well interested on the steak scale) watching the debate. And as I do work email, he chatters away about everything said. I then do laundry folding...and I hear the TiVo backed up, multiple times, and angry, pissy comments out of said husband. Dude...even H knows the bunnies in the box can't hear her...when P starts talking to the talking heads in the tv, it's got to be over...


Two Pearls said...

I was ready to declare this one over before it started. I live in NH. It's been going on here for 2 or more years. Painful. They're were everywhere last year at this time. After Jan 8, they left. But now they're back. Both Barack and Sarah Palin were in the local area yesterday. I, like you, just want it to end. I almost don't even care who wins anymore. Well, not really! :)

Judi said...

Understandable, and I agree. I can't WAIT for this d*mned thing to be over. Hopefully it'll happen before voters start killing each other.
What? You don't talk back to the tv? Easy to say because I don't watch debates. All they do is piss me off.