Monday, September 1, 2008

So you have to vote for someone who's not a white male...

OK, I'm pissed off. I'm pissed off that this is even something that someone would think is a tactic that would win. I'm pissed off that someone would be so desperate as to pull this. If you can't win unless you do this, then, honestly, you have no god-damn right running the "leader of the free world."

Seriously? A first time govenor from AK, with no experience? And your peeps say it's because you have all the experience? (Oh, the sick hubris of that statement!) Ummmm....dude? First off, no one has one brain good enough to run this country on his own. Otherwise, we'd have had a dictatorship for a few centuries. Secondly? You are a nice enough guy, but you are in your 70's with a history of cancer. Verstehen Sie?!

But, if this is true, then the only reason you picked this woman is because she is a woman? That's sexism in a way, isn't it? You wanted to pick up the disillunsioned "hillary" vote. Pathetic. Sad. Infuriating.

And it really pisses me off that it will work with some people.

And it pisses me off that this woman, who is supposed to herald a jump is women's equality, is playing this game. That she is willing to be apparently used like this...isn't that really a step backwards for all of us bra-wearers?

Folks, it's wrong to vote for someone just because he is black or she is white or he is a paraplegic or whatever. It's just as wrong as voting for the other guy because you don't want a hispanic/gay/jewish/whatever. It's racist. It's saying that whatever this person is, whatever they stand for doesn't matter, that because of how they look, they are better than the other person. What matters is what's in their jeans and shirt - period. And that should never ever be why we pick someone for a friend, an enemy, or a President.

Shame on you McCain. Shame on you for your arrogance. And shame on all the women out there that this will work on. Vote with your eyes closed, and your mind and heart open.


Judi said...

I hear you, K. It's a cheap shot. As if he's saying, "You wanted a girl, well, here. Here's a girl you can vote for, too." Please. Balin's no Hillary Clinton.

Nyt said...

As usual, opposite side of the fence. Skip the rhetoric, take a look at what the woman's actually done, and judge her from there. I'm seeing someone who's entirely self-made, took on corruption, went against the grain, and stood by her principles. The fact that she's young and female only works in her favor... she's a powerful figure. Make no mistake,I don't agree with some of her positions, but I have huge respect for anyone who states their position and stands by it. As far as I can tell, she has. Thank goodness she's no Hillary. While Hillary has done some good work during her senate run, she's never actually "run" anything. She merely persuaded her brethren to follow. My other beef? Just because you know where the ladies room is in the White House doesn't mean you're "ready on Day One"
---end rant
XXX's & OOO's

ISO(In)sanity said...

I'm not at all questioning Palin herself. I'm taking beef with the cheap "give-em what they want" move of the RNC, and the Clinton-lovers who will follow like sheep just to get a pair of boobs in the white house.

Personally, I was not a big fan of Clinton...she wasn't the best choice. I like Obama over her, I feel he is articulate, well thought, and willing to surround himself with smart people, which is one more good quality than what made Reagan the huge icon he is (I won't get into what his policies did to us, but he used smart people...just ones with some bad theories). One of the reasons I like him is because he wasn't doing what all the others were: standing on a podium in arm-pit somewhere and spouting the exact policy solution for some problem they care president can decide a whole health care/tax/immigration plan...congress will take most of it over anyways, so I want someone who can work with people, and has a brain on his shoulders.

Yes, Clinton has padded her resume. But I don't deny the fact that she's had a hand in a lot of politics for a lot longer than her term in the Senate...there's no denying she's a strong, smart woman, and to tell ourselves she didn't have a huge hand in the white house and the AR governor's office would be foolish.

Of course, as usual, I feel that more than likely the best person for the job never made it past the primaries, and even more likely, never ran at all.

PS I use "clinton" over Hillary...not as a jab at you, but at a jab at the discongruity that we see in our country...Obama, McCain, Edwards, Bush, Rove...Hillary...Condi. I don't like the presumed familiarity that the press takes with females in positions of authority.