Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Oh Gawd, It was Horrible!

So, I had told myself that H going to daycare was going to be good. I vindicated myself and proved it to myself based on the first visit to daycare. She was intriqued, reserved, but curious. No tears, checked out this new world. I thought once she went to daycare, it'd be all sunshine and rainbows...a rainbow of happiness would arc over the Peanut House. The birds would chirp, the sun would shine. H would be getting out in the world, seeing babies. Mama would be seeing adults, sanity would come to the house, and somehow the housework would get done. I justified my spending 60% of my take home pay on her learning and growing in better hands than mine, stupid first time mama that I was, at least on 3 days a week.

Oh. Dear. Gawd. Today was horrendous.

I took her to daycare to visit again. She was clutching me the whole time. She wouldn't not touch me no matter what she did. I tried to put her in the chair table to eat a fabulous cookie. Sobbing. Sobbing so much that no sound came out and spit cookie fell down her chin and down her outfit. Hysterical. I even tried the "when she sees me, of course she's mad" logic and took to leaving her for 2-3 minutes. The one woman sat there and talked to her, but I could hear her all the way down the hall.

I have never ever seen my daughter so unconsolable. You could tell she was looking around and saying "What the hell did I do to deserve to go back to the orphanage?" Even at home, she clutched to me when I went to put her down for her nap.

Can I do this? I know the arguments for it. Can I break the bonding that we have gotten, for so little money? I'm seriously considering not, forfitting the cash in the DCA account, and staying with my little girl. I find I don't care about the stupidity of the office. I never ever thought I'd be a stay at home mom...but should I for a year or so? Would I be breaking my father's trust, letting down my coworkers of 12 years that I didn't fess up to this before?

I don't know what to do. I'm just sick of crying about this every day...


Judi said...

What's to decide? Stay home.

Sue said...

Are you able to stay home for another two months and then see if you and H are ready to try daycare again? More time for her to bond and feel secure. More time to explain "mommy always comes back". Definitely no easy answers.