Wednesday, January 9, 2008

False Alarm

Forget it, my agency isn't doing anything good. Though our stuff is on it's way to China. That's it. I'll give them 2 gold stars, cause that's a big one.

I was told yesterday that I had 2 missing documents from the pile that they had me sign when we got H's referral. Inferred that I had "mistakenly taken" them when we left our SW's office.

I found one in the folder she had given me. So I email the paper - organizing lady today, and say I have one of the 2. She emails back that there are actually 5 pieces missing.


Most of what we seemed to have signed that day.

Hummmmm....I'm the one in the group holding their feet to the fire. I'm the one involving higher-ups about the troubles I've had. And now my documents start to get lost in a 20 ft walk between one office and another?!

Trying to not go all Oliver Stone/conspiracy nutjob here, but it makes you wonder...


Ashley said...

When will this madness end for you???

oh, I know....the moment your precious little one is in our arms! Hang on, you are getting there!

Sue said...

wow. so sorry to read about all of your troubles w/ the agency. it's just incredible that it has taken this long to mail the loa. i really feel badly for you. and i chuckled that they think you'll lose the passports!

hope you do receive TA before the new year. and travel asap!

sue b
western suburbs playgroup

ps. we went to the cny event sponsored by the agency last year....and won't be going again.

Ashley said...

sorry, just noticed my silly typo -YOUR arms!!!