Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Learning to Adjust...and an Addiction

Sigh...it's been a rough couple of weeks again for little Miss H...(Don't I always say that?!) P started his newer and better job last week (yay! yay!), and she's not liking that he's not home. She had grown quite comfortable with the time he took off. Also, he's leaving before she gets up in the a.m., which gives him a lot more time at night with her, but she's soooo not digging that. I hope in a few weeks of this new routine, she'll get her bearings again. She had finally decided that, yes, these people do live only for me, and I like it this way!

Side story: My kid is too smart. Period. We were leaving Best Buy yesterday, and we're sitting at the light. Mind you, H loves saying BuhBye to every car that passes her. She's the neighborhood goodbye committee all rolled up in 32 inches of cuteness. She says BuhBye to every car she sees. We're sitting at the light, and a car of same make and color as P's rolls up on the other street (so, what, 40+ feet from us?!) with a man in his 20's inside. She screams "Dada" and points (she was being generous on the age thing to ol' dada there). Freaky smart, huh?

We've had a few breakthrus with the complete menu of 8 things H will currently eat. She has decided she loves Chicken Congee again. And she tried fried hash brown cakes (I know, not the most nutrionally great thing), and she loves them! And she tried bagel, but didn't like it, but at least she tried it. Oh, and...get this....marinated cucumber?!?! She loved it once I got it between those little cute lips! So, we're up to about 11 things now. Sigh. I miss the days of feeding her off every plate at the Thai restaurant!

And now, I have a confession to make. I'm addicted. I fully admit it. L will vouch for the 2 giant bags of shame that are sitting in my fridge right now. I am a dim sum addict. I cannot go clean. I will not go clean. Put me on the Intervention show on A&E. It will not help. I rationalize it by the fact that I don't have to cook many many dinners now. My fridge looks like DimSum land exploded in it. The bags actually cannot contain the sum-my goodness...there are containers on every shelf. but H is my enabler. It's her fault. She sleeps thru the "lunch time-ness" of dim sum on Sundays now. I have to pick up order it, and it's a good 20 minute drive one way to get there, so why only get what a small milita can eat? Why not go for a whole division of the army, at the very least? Don't leave me in the house alone to order when P is outside working on the yard, and child is sleeping, so I have no distractions or sanity to check me. Just cause we can't eat 3 orders of pork buns at one sitting, in my mind, is not a problem. It is an opportunity for more yumminess. And you need the shrimp toast and the sticky rice to go with. To not, would be a crime. $70 of Chinese food is totally eatable if we put our minds to it. (And heck, that included H's custom made congee.)

Leave me to my shame in peace...and don't touch that pork bun or that turnip cake.

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