Sunday, March 6, 2011

I Only Share Because You Don't Know Me...

Scene: I'm in the bathroom, just out of the shower, pj pants on, no shirt, drying my hair. I hear the clomping, giggling, squeals of overtired littles coming up the stairs...hoping that they head to get pjs on instead of breaking my blissful quiet time. No such luck...

Big Girl comes in, courtesy visit and leaves. Whew.

Peanut comes in...kindly says "I wanted to say 'Hi'". Ok, cool, I lean over, kiss her, and as I back up, this discussion unfolds. Mind you, I don't have huge boobs, 'kay?

Peanut: Why do you have big (scrunch up left eye)...what are those things called again?
Me: Breasts.
P: Ok, thanks...sigh...why do you have such big breasts, mommy?
M: Because I'm a girl.
P: I'm a girl.
M: Correction: I'm a BIG girl...when you grow up, you'll have breasts too.
Peanut affects the most serious face she's ever had on, between passing a kidney stone, doing taxes, and discussing current world policy re government aid to NGOs.
P: (Deadpan) Oh my goodness... Really?

At this point, I busted a gut laughing to the point that all creatures with a heartbeat ended up in the bathroom to see what was going on.

Just as I gain my composure, overheard in the hallway:
P: , you are a girl.
BG: Yeah (I hear the eyeroll in her voice), I girl. I know.
P: When you grow up you'll have breasts.
BG: All girls when big, I know. Everyone who girl get them.
P: No, mama is going to give them to you.


Dawn said...
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Dawn said...

This is hysterical!!! What is the phrase? Kids say the darndest things!