This boy...who turns 9 this month, who always has a smile on his face, who can be a little agitator, who also can be the most caring little boy, who has been an orphan his whole life, who has been on the list for almost 3 years...needs a home. Is it yours? He has been on THREE agencies special focus/camp lists...he was Nathan with MAA. He was Ryder with FTIA. Now he's a dehumanizing number with Hand in Hand. This child should be GAINING a family name...not being given random Western names to be called with a paragraph blurb next to an outdated photo.
This little boy NEEDS a home.
He's also my daughter's foster brother. He's been in a loving home for over 5 years. Nothing is guaranteed, but I can tell you, Big Girl has had one of the smoothest transitions (SO FAR! KNOCK ON WOOD!!!) that I have ever heard of in older child adoption. They were/are loved by the foster parents, the foster parents' older kids, and the extended foster family.
This little boy NEEDS a home.
I have more info on him. More pics, more video. I have more up to date stuff than that file that is 2 years out of date that CCAA has published of him. I have not met him, but I can speak of my impressions of the 20 minutes long video we have shot in the foster family's home. He has repaired cleft lip and palate. My daughter says he speaks clearly, but he will need dental work. She said he would learn quick when the foster mother told her to help him with his homework.
This little boy NEEDS a home.
Please, contact me...contact Hand in Hand...if he pulls at your heart, do something to give this boy a family.